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Welcome Márcia Alfredo

Welcome Márcia Alfredo

Tecnosaúde welcomes Márcia Alfredo as commercial delegate and nem teammate

In a pandemic season, not all news are bad and Tecnosaúde embraces yet another teammate.

Tecnosaúde thus welcomes Márcia Alfredo, commercial delegate and new teammate.

The courage, commitment and passion that Tecnosaúde demonstrates in the way it satisfies its customers is remarkable, even in times of pandemic, when social isolation forced it to reinvent its work method.
Recognized for its rigor and dynamism in the Angolan market, Tecnosaúde has been gaining more and more customers not only in the pharmacy market. As a team that decides not to let go of its arms and continue to keep its customers, resilient and strengthened by the adversities of the present to create commitments for the future, Tecnosaúde embraced yet another colleague in its team, in an outsoursing service, as a commercial delegate.
 Tecnosaúde also provides other services in this area, such as training planning and development, calendar management and event organization and other requirements that its customers need.