Últimas Notícias

Follow all the recent activity from our company!

II Pediatrics Webinar Cycle

II Pediatrics Webinar Cycle

The Colégio de Pediatria started a new cycle of webinars

II AGOA Webinars Cycle

II AGOA Webinars Cycle

AGOA started its II cycle of webinars, have you seen it?

Tecnosaúde Online Training

Tecnosaúde Online Training

Two formations in one day

I Oncology Cycle Angola

I Oncology Cycle Angola

The College of Oncology promotes its first cycle of webinars during the months of October, November and December.

Quilaban Webinar | HIV and COVID-19 - Impacts of the pandemic on HIV diagnosis

Quilaban Webinar | HIV and COVID-19 - Impacts of the pandemic on HIV diagnosis

Yesterday Tecnosaúde organized a webinar on HIV in times of pandemic.

World Pregnant Day

World Pregnant Day

Today is the world day of pregnant women and Tecnosaúde could not remain indiferent.
