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5 June | World Environment Day

5 June | World Environment Day

Today is a very important day for the planet!

World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th, the date that began in 1972.
Today, we must all join hands for our environment and celebrate it in the best way!

World Environment Day is a date that should be celebrated by all of us. This date was chosen after the United Nations Conference on the Environment, in 1972, and every year they present a new theme that serves as a starting point for the development of actions to celebrate this date, in more than one hundred countries.
All events aim to present improvements to preserve the future of humanity.
As a training company, Tecnosaúde could not remain indifferent!
This year, we changed our way of acting on the environment! We exchanged all our plastic water bottles for a collective carboy, which allowed us huge plastic reductions! We have saved a total of around 3700 plastic bottles.
It is necessary to appeal to the huge consumption of plastic in our country and the need to reduce this consumption!
We give you some advice:
- Exchange the grocery bags for a stronger shopping bag and always go shopping with it;
- Use a reusable water bottle;
- Replace the cling film for Tupperware that can be reused;
- For the ladies, try using a menstrual cup in place of sanitary towels and tampons – the plastic waste in these products is immense!
- Exchange the cotton make-up remover pads for reusable pads!

Tecnosaúde intends to maintain its ecological footprint in Angola!

Join us in this initiative!

