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Hemophilia in Angola

Hemophilia in Angola

Another new Tecnosaúde webinar

Tecnosaúde held another new webinar yesterday, this time in partnership with the League of Friends of the Hematological Patients of Angola.

Hemophilia is a disorder of blood clotting. It is a genetic disease, that is, it is transmitted from parents to children at the time the child is generated.
There are two types of hemophilia:
• Hemophilia A, which represents about 80% of all cases, is a deficiency of coagulation factor VIII.
• Hemophilia B is a deficiency of clotting factor IX.
The bleeding patterns and consequences of these two types of hemophilia are similar. The main symptom of hemophiliacs is excessive bleeding.
With the theme “Hemophilia in Angola”, LADHA, with the organization of Tecnosaúde, intended to (in) train health professionals and the general population of the main problems surrounding this disease and its fundamental role in society.
If you were unable to attend this session, don't miss it and see it now through the link -