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Day Against Child Labor

Day Against Child Labor

Created by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in 2002, today is the day against child labor.

According to the ILO, about 11% of children are in child labor. Today we celebrate the day against child labor, which aims to alert the population to the reality of many children who are forced to work in their daily lives. The objective? Eliminate child labor.

The World Day Against Child Labor was created by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in 2002. This organization, which belongs to UNICEF, has created this day for the celebration, in the same month as World Children's Day and that aims to alert everyone to the reality that many children go through in their daily lives. It is estimated that 11% of children worldwide are in child labor, which corresponds to around 168 million children. These children carry out dangerous work on a daily basis that directly put their safety and moral development at risk, and are forced to work every day, when they should in their daily routine be entitled to education and go to school.
It should be noted that child labor leaves marks on all children, be they on a physical, psychological or educational level, which can become irreversible and at last for a lifetime.
Angola is a country that deals with this reality on a daily basis. Many children are street vendors, shiners or car washers.
This day promotes the right of all children to be protected from child exploitation, as well as to combat all types of child labor.
Aware of this reality, Tecnosaúde celebrates this day in order to appeal to the right that all children have to education and training, with a view to protecting all children.
The message has to be passed! We all have to be aware!
