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1st June | World Children's Day

1st June | World Children's Day

Angola celebrates World Children's Day

With a mostly young population, today is the day for the youngest to celebrate. June 1st is World Children's Day and Tecnosaúde congratulates all Angolan children.

In order to protect the youngest, the UN (United Nations Organization), started in 1946 the efforts to protect children, thus UNICEF was born. However, it was only in 1950 that children's day was celebrated for the first time!

This day intends to celebrate several aspects related to the little ones, namely, all the rights of the youngest ones, such as: 
• Adequate food;
 • Access to medical care; 
• Access to education;
• Protection against any form of exploitation;
• Grow in a climate of universal peace and brotherhood.

Angola is a mostly young country, with around 16% of the population under 18 years old. It is estimated that the number of children and young people under the age of 18 may double by 2050. The high birth rate in the country, makes some access to the youngest difficult, having been a daily struggle by the whole society.

Today is a day to congratulate the little ones and young people, celebrating in this way the world day of the child, offering all the love and affection that all children deserve.
Tecnosaúde congratulates the little ones on what is their day.