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 New Partnership with the Pharmaceutical Industry

New Partnership with the Pharmaceutical Industry

Tecnosaúde welcomes Cristóvão Madaleno as commercial delegate and new teammate

Last March, Tecnosaúde started a new outsourcing service, to promote products in Angolan market.

Tecnosaúde thus welcomes Cristóvão Madaleno as commercial delegate and new teammate.

Recognized for its rigor and dynamism in the Angolan market, Tecnosaúde has been gaining more and more customers not only in the pharmacy market.
One of its main areas of focus is the support to the Pharmaceutical Industry that it provides in the market, namely the development of commercial representation partnerships with pharmaceutical laboratories, in order to help them in the expansion of their business.

Tecnosaúde also provides other services in this area, such as training planning and development, calendar management and event organization and other requirements that its customers need.

Welcome Cristóvão!