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Angolan doctors united in the fight against COVID

Angolan doctors united in the fight against COVID

Tribute to the Day of the Angolan Doctor.

The Day of the Angolan Doctor is celebrated on January 26th and, to celebrate this very important day, the Order of Doctors, held on January 22nd a webinar with the theme "New variants of coronavirus and vaccines".

The COVID-19 pandemic continues and although vaccines already exist, there is still no near end. For this reason, the Ordem dos Médicos chose this topic to address in the webinar that honors all Angolan doctors in their day.
The Day of the Angolan Doctor is celebrated on the 26th of January and the Ordem dos Médicos was not indifferent, having organized a webinar with the official sponsor Shalina.
This webinar featured more than 195 registrations. Several were the medical specialties registered and the geographical location of these professionals. In fact, the important thing was to bring all the professionals together in an online event to discuss such a current and important topic.
With more than 246 views in just 4 days, Tecnosaúde states that this event is already a real success.
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