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I Cycle of Webinars Colégio de Pediatria | Breastfeeding: Source of Health and Immunoprotection

I Cycle of Webinars Colégio de Pediatria | Breastfeeding: Source of Health and Immunoprotection

The first session of the 1st cycle of webinars at Colégio de Pediatria took place yesterday and was a success.

The Colégio de Pediatria started yesterday the 1st Cycle of Webinars with the theme: The Pillars of Pediatrics: Past, Present and Future and will take place in August and September.

Breastfeeding is a very special period of life for women and babies that creates many bonds between mother and child. Furthermore, breast milk is recommended exclusively as food for babies up to six months of age.
Breastfeeding is considered a key element for the promotion and protection of children's health and a strategy for reducing child morbidity and mortality worldwide, especially in underdeveloped and developing countries, in which health conditions and quality of life majority of the population are lower.
In this way, the Colégio de Especialidade de Pediatria, with the support of the Bial laboratory and Tecnosaúde organization, held a session yesterday with the theme "Breastfeeding: Source of Health and Immunoprotection", which had more than 150 registrations and 179 views, most of them in the field of pediatrics.
Not wanting to stop there, the next event is already scheduled for August 18th. Will you want to lose? Subscribe now!