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AGOA Webinar | Infertility and Assisted Reproduction

AGOA Webinar | Infertility and Assisted Reproduction

Yesterday was the day of the third session of the I AGOA Webinar Cycle

The third session of AGOA's 1st Cycle of Webinars took place yesterday, with the theme “Infertility and Assisted Reproduction: History and Perspectives” and was a success.

Infertility is a problem that affects many couples and is defined as the inability to establish a pregnancy after a year of trying, in which sexual intercourse occurs frequently and without using any contraceptive method. If pregnancy does not happen naturally it is time for the couple to seek help from specialists.
The third session of this cycle of webinars, had the theme of conversation “Infertility and Assisted Reproduction: History and Perspectives”, with the moderator of debate Dr. Pedro de Almeida and debate leaders Dr. Adriana Sebastião and Dr. Emanuel Kanga.
Knowing that the complications that prevent women from becoming pregnant naturally, at any stage of the fertile period, can have different origins, from men to hormonal problems, this session had more than an hour of conversation and an intense interaction of the public, having been very enlightening and dynamic.

With more than 300 registrations and 276 views in less than 24 hours, this event aimed at health professionals still has another session next week.

If you are a health professional, sign up and participate in what is the I AGOA Webinar Cycle.