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July 3 | International Day Without Plastic Bags

July 3 | International Day Without Plastic Bags

Today is the international day without plastic bags. Have you done anything today to celebrate this day?

In order to alert society to the need to reduce consumption and excessive use of disposable plastic bags that, in most cases, end up in the trash after a single use, or end up being released into the environment, constituting a serious environmental problema, in terms of pollution, today is the international day without plastic bags.

Today, the world celebrates the international day without plastic bags, this date due to the unsustainable use of bags that is currently being made, enhanced by the lack of value that the consumer attributes to him due to the fact that it is offered to him, it means that it is not given the proper purpose - reuse and recycling, many of which end up being dissipated in the environment, mainly in marine environments, in which they are confused with food and eaten by turtles and birds, entering directly into the food chair.
Plastic bags are made of toxic resins from oil and take about 500 years to decompose. Despite the gravity of the situation.

Every year 13 tons of plastic arrive at the sea. The back is full of garbage, the seabed is full of this waste and many animals eat it and end up dying. And, if we don't reverse our modus operandi, the situation will worsen more and more, as each plastic takes decades to degrade and there are already tons and tons of garbage around the world.

Thus, the International Day Without Plastic Bags calls for a change in the behavior of all people in the world regarding the use of plastic bags. Each of us must make an effort to preserve the environment, always carrying the same plastic bag for shopping, recycling plastic bags or using paper bags.
The environmental association Zero warns that if nothing is done, in 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans.
How can we celebrate this date?
- Say no to disposable bags;
- Always take your own cloth or paper bag with you when shopping;
- If you are good at sewing, make your own bag and always take it with you;
- Become a volunteer for an environmental organization that works on cleaning water lines and collecting plastic bags on the streets and beaches;
- Send all plastic waste from your home and office to recycling;
- Spread the word for your family and friends;
- If you are a store owner, start a program to encourage your customers to bring their own reusable containers and stop offering plastic bags.
The problem has reached the point that what used to be clean sand on the world's beaches now has, in addition to natural components, a lot of plastic waste.
For all of us, and especially for the future of ours, think before accepting a bag, if it really needs it.
