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Elearning - New Tecnosaúde Service

Elearning - New Tecnosaúde Service

Tecnosaúde creates a new distance formation service.

We promise not to stop and, in this way, we have created a new service to be closer to you and to (in)form in all areas you need!

Formation is one of Tecnosaúde's main pillars. From the behavioral, technical to management areas, we already have more than 40 different formation topics to satisfy the needs and interests of our trainees.

The COVID-19 pandemic has revolutionized our modus operandis, forcing us to adopt new methods of work and become more digital. In this way, and to get closer to our trainees and customers, Tecnosaúde creates the distance formation service.

This service consists of training our clients and trainees, but in an e-learning format, that is, where and when they want to do the formation, always with the proper monitoring of Tecnosaúde’s team. This format has some advantages, namely:
- Quick update of contents;
- Easy access and flexible schedules;
- The learning pace can be defined by the user / trainee;
- Permanent availability of formation content;
- Lower costs when compared to classroom training;
- Reduction of the time needed for the trainee;
- The trainee can start the course at any time;
- Diversification of course offerings.
We promise not to stop and the truth is that we didn't! We remain here more solid than ever for you and to (in)form you.
Come learn with us!

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