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Malaria Social Responsibility

Malaria Social Responsibility

Tecnosaúde, in partnership with Farmácias Populares, developed a project of counseling and malaria screenings.

Tecnosaúde, in partnership with Farmácias Populares developed a project of counseling and malaria screenings in children and adults between 12 months and 65 years old.

Tecnosaúde, in partnership with Farmácias Populares, as part of a project of the Maxi Health Social Responsibility, developed on december 4th, in Bairro do Futungo (Luanda), counseling and malaria screenings in children and adults between 12 months and 65 years old.

In this activity, there were more than 500 people, 15 of them with positive results and we delivered the respective therapy.


We are together in the growth and awareness of our population!
